Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Having Fun???

Do you go to bed to look forward to the next day?

or, do you wake up to look forward to starting a new day?

I think having fun is very important for us. Some people might think that they have to have a hard time because they might think this.... "No pain, no gain"...

But, I think we should try to have fun as much as possible.

According to my host father, "Life if too short not to have fun!"

Sometimes, life is not easy, but you can make it easier if you change your point of view. Let's say, if you were irritated by someone at work. It is not always true that you are the one causing bad thinigs to happen, but maybe you should change how you approach to the person.

It might change him/her attitude towards you. You might have sounded rude to the person, or you might have caught a bad time when you talked to him/her... So, let's fix those! :-)

Even if you still can't have fun what you are doing now, that is perfectly fine too. Now you know that you don't enjoy doing that. Then, you can go find something else that you are going to have fun with!

You don't wanna just wait to wish that somebody might be going to bring you some fun.
What if nobody is not going to bring fun for you....?

Are you going to be out of luck.....???

No..... You can create fun things!
So.... Let's make things fun!

Then you say, "Let's do this, cauz it might be fun!"
Then, the "Fun Circle" will begins.... and never ends..... ;-)

P.S. Sunday morning breakfast at the porch was so nice! we had fruits salad, a muffin, and a orange scone. We made orange scones on the other night. They were so good. Once in a while, we need to slow down and look around to see what you are feeling... this breakfast was perfect for that. :-)

1 comment:

Information said...

Fun!!! Breakfast on the front porch with friends...slowing down to take time--life is to short not to slow down and enjoy it:)